Monday, October 17, 2011

Candy Corn Teeth Math Facts!

Here is a cute math fact idea I do each year!  I made these a few years ago and my students love them!  Once you laminate your pumpkins you can use them over and over again.  All you need is a bag of candy corn and the worksheet below!   I have my students use the top teeth for the first addend and the bottom teeth for the second addend. (ex:  this pumpkin's equation was 10 + 5 = 15).  This is a really good activity for my struggling math students who still need to use counters.  For the higher students they must show equations in small group AND explain the strategy they used for each.


  1. That is too funny! I actually giggled when I saw them :)

  2. I wish I had found this before Halloween... But will keep it for next year. Thanks for sharing!

    First Grade Delight

  3. I cant wait for your fairy tale unit!! I love your site Keep up the great work. You are wonderful. !!!
