Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Common Core Curriculum Map Book Study: Second Grade Overview!

Welcome to the Common Core Curriculum Map Book Study for Second Grade!  I am so excited to give you a brief overview of  this amazing resource that teachers all over the country are using for Common Core instruction.  This book was developed by teachers for teachers to pair literary and informational texts into thematic units by grade level (six per grade).  This is the K-5 book.  There are curriculum maps for grade levels 6-8 and 9-12 as well.  They all provide SLPs (Sample Lesson Plans) for the units as instructional road maps!  Each grade in the book includes a checklist to show the standards covered in each unit. Each unit contains focus standards, student objectives, essential questions, suggested works, sample activities, assessments, and sample lesson plans.  Below is a thumbnail of the book if you would like to purchase it from Amazon.com.  If you buy the book (instead of the Kindle version) you get a pacing guide as well.  I am looking so forward to using this with my kids this year in reading groups and whole group ELA lessons.  Many schools are implementing it school-wide across grade levels.
This book study is going to be amazing!  Many fabulous bloggers/teachers have signed up to share with you all the units and information from these curriculum maps each day!  Make sure you check out Jennifer Ayers (Best Practices 4 Teaching) tomorrow for her post on Unit 1 for Second Grade:  A Season for Chapters! 
You will have a chance to link up and share your ideas and resources for each unit as well.  Here are the bloggers and units for Grade 2:

Unit 1:  A Season for Chapters (Best Practices 4 Teachers)
Unit 2:  The Wild West (Teach123)
Unit 3:  Building Bridges with Unlikely Friends (Elementary Matters)
Unit 4:  A Long Journey to Freedom (Mandy's Tips for Teachers)
Unit 5:  Hand-Me-Down Tales from Around the World (Sassy in Second)
Unit 6:  Taking Care of Ourselves (Teach123)

Again, I am VERY excited about being involved with this book study and hope you will watch each day as we share the units so we can all use these wonderful "road maps" for Common Core instruction!!! Thanks friends-Yvonne :)


  1. I am looking forward to reading the posts! I am sure we will get many great ideas!
    Conversations in Literacy

  2. Oooh, I wish there was a first grade study!!

    1. You are in luck! Our first grade ladies are starting theirs on September 4th! Make sure you watch for it! :)-Yvonne

  3. I'm looking forward to this book study! I love to hear about how other districts are implementing the CCSS. :)
    Hello Mrs Sykes

  4. Looking forward to it as we begin to implement the CCSS here in sunny California!

  5. I'm so glad you are doing this!!! Can't wait to check all the posts.
